Tuesday 30 December 2014

How to Build The Strongest Possible Immune System

Having spent two years beating a terminal cancer diagnosis and losing my brother to heart disease at the age of 39 it became a matter of life or death for me to understand how to build a robust or should I say 'the strongest possible immune system'. I have spent several years researching this subject and am also grateful to Phil Hawes for his recent input. Phil spends his time in discussion and working with some of the worlds leading experts and gives lectures around the UK on this life or death subject. With 50% of the population now being diagnosed with cancer it is clear the biology of our bodies are seriously screwed up, we now have to vigorously defend our immune system. A healthy diet, non smoking and regular exercise is still important but no longer enough and no longer enough by a long way, we need a major 'gear shift' to regulate the biology of our bodies to protect against disease and illness.

The idea of boosting your immunity is enticing, but the ability to do so has proved elusive for several reasons. The immune system is precisely that — a system, not a single entity. To function well, it requires balance and harmony. There is still much that researchers don’t know about the intricacies and interconnectedness of the immune response.

In summary, the simple protocol below showing you 'how to build the strongest possible immune system' comes from many decades of research by the worlds leading experts including Nobel prize winners, all I have done is tried to put the information together in a clear and concise way :).

The Products ;
Parent Essential Oils (ensures cells have correct levels of oxygen transfer)
Melatonin  (bolsters immune system, lowers cholesterol, defends against cancer)
Liposomal Vitamin C  (prevents hardening of arteries, heart disease,strokes)
Ionic Trace Minerals (essential for body mineral balance)
Probiotic  (corrects immune deficiencies, increases the numbers of T cells )
Magnesium  (controls 325 biochemical actions in the body)
Green Formula's 

Finally ...

Water (purified and mineralised)

Today we live in world where over the past 40 years the levels of magnesium (the bodies master mineral !) and selenium in our diet has reduced by more than half, we live our lives in a constant 'on' stress state everyday, our water can contain 72 chemicals and the air is more toxic than its ever been, so we are breathing in less oxygen. Its no wonder 1 in 2/3 people are now diagnosed with cancer, which unfortunately means it's not of case of 'if' but 'when' you are going to be told you have cancer .... If you're interested in avoiding serious ill health like strokes,heart attacks and cancer this post is for you. ... enjoy !

The protocol makes certain assumptions that you are eating a healthy balanced diet ( I don't mean just drinking green juices all day ) I mean balanced, and that you take regular exercise. This protocol is all about taking '7 products' as part of your daily routine, its very unlikely you will find these products even in high quality health food shops or supplement stores. They are not cheap but you can't put a price on your health (so cancel the sky subscription if you have to or sell the cat), also to add I have no financial interest in recommending these products, the links below are not linked to some affiliate/commission payment type of arrangement, my only interest is to help others stay healthy.

How Your Cells Work
The purpose of every one of the trillions of cells in our body is to produce energy by burning Oxygen. The cell membrane is composed of Phosolipids (fatty acids), membranes have a frequency which is determined by the voltage of the cell. A healthy cell has a voltage og 0.75mv a cancerous cell has a lower voltage, which can be as low as 15mv.

Please see Cell  info graphic - click link below
How cells work info graphic

When the voltage is low the frequency of the lipid membrane is also lowered. The frequency determines what is allowed to pass into the cell and back out again. Thus when the frequency becomes lower, Oxygen and nutrients, including water, cannot easily enter and waste cannot pass back into your lymphatic system.

In order to keep your cell membrane in good condition at the correct frequency and able to reproduce, you must have a diet containing EFA's (essential fatty acids). These are called essential because you must obtain them in your diet, your body cannot manufacture them! but most critical is the correct ratio of omega 6 and omega 3, omega 3 on its own will not work and can in fact be harmful to your health.

Most people believe that a good source is fish oil, they are NOT! Fish do not live in the same environment, they live in cold water. Fish oils become rancid when ingested and block absorption of oxygen into the cell. Your source for EFA's must be plant based, plants live in the same environment as we do.

The best source of organic plant based EFA's are known as Parent Essential Oils. Prof Brian Peskin has written a fully referenced book called "The PEO Solution". I highly recommend this. www.peo-solution.com.

Please visit the youtube link below for a detailed interview with Prof Peskin. Keeping Your Cells Healthy

The Immune System Protocol  

1) Parent Essential Oils
In 1934 Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering that cancer was caused by a lack of oxygen in the body's cells. He found that when the oxygen level of your blood falls below 35 percent of normal, an anaerobic condition is created in which cancer and other diseases can prosper [anaerobic means “absence of oxygen”].  In order to keep your cell membrane in good condition so that Oxygen levels remain strong and healthy, you must have a diet containing EFA's (essential fatty acids) in the form of parent essential oils (PEO). These are called essential because you must obtain them in your diet, your body cannot manufacture them!

Please watch this video below ... Well worth the watch !
Avoiding Cancer & Heart Disease with PEO - The Science - Professor Peskin

The journey Oxygen takes to your cells after entering your lungs is a long one where it has to pass through 7 membranes before entering your cells , without the correct ratio of omega 6 and omega 3 oils (parent essential oils) this journey is seriously impaired. Even If you were breathing 100% Oxygen, without the transport system of correct 'parent essential oil' ratio the Oxygen to your cells would still be depleted.

Most people believe that a good source is fish oil, they are NOT! Fish do not live in the same environment, they live in cold water. Fish oils become rancid when ingested and block absorption of oxygen into the cell. Your source for EFA's must be plant based, plants live in the same environment as we do. The best source of organic plant based EFA's are known as Parent Essential Oils. 

Please watch this video below
Fish Oil Problem (Short Version) - Professor Peskin

To ensure your cells have optimal Oxygen levels order the very best organic parent essential oils please give me a call on 07785 327272 , they cost £25 for one months supply ... I take these as part of my regime to maintain a strong immune system.
These are organic plant based (no fish)  'parent essential oils' with the correct ratio of parent omega 6 and parent omega 3 ...

Suggested Reading:
Prof Brian Peskin has written a fully referenced book called "The PEO Solution". I highly recommend this. www.peo-solution.com 

2) Melatonin - (Not just for sleep) The Pineal gland is the body's 'Master Gland' it is the regulator of the endocrine system which in turn produces the hormones that control so many of our bodily functions. The pineal gland controls the activities of virtually every cell in your body. Its uses melatonin to maintain your body's balance. As we age our levels of melatonin fall and the biggest fall occurs at the age of 50, so its critical to take your levels back up in order to maintain good health.

Please see the link below, not only do these Melatonin tablets contain pharmaceutical grade melatonin and the combination with zinc and selenium, it is the night-peak release system that exactly mirrors our natural release of melatonin which gives benefits not available from other melatonin brands.

Melatonin is also anti-ageing and improves your sex drive ( Ooooer missus)
Melatonin Tablets 

Suggested Reading 
The Melatonin Miracle - (New York Times Best Seller) 

3) Liposol Vitamin C - The most powerful vitamin C money can buy.

No repairs happen in the body without the correct levels of Vit C !!

Interestingly 99% of all animals produce their own Vitamin C however we humans do not, I think its no coincidence that animals do not suffer with heart attacks and strokes as being the main killer of their species, as we do.

Linus Pauling and Dr Matthias Rath won 2 Nobel prizes for their work in discovering how Vitamin C (amongst other health benefits) can prevent and heal heart disease plus help prevent the spread of cancer cells.

Vitamin C is an extremely powerful antioxidant, playing a vital role in the production of collagen, the protein vital for healthy arteries, the prevention of cancer cells to move through the body and that gives skin its elasticity. As the ageing process continues, collagen breaks down.  If vitamin C levels are maintained, the body will always be able to produce the necessary levels of collagen keeping heart attack, strokes and wrinkles at bay. Altrient® C is The New Generation of Vitamin C its unique delivery system ensures that up to 98% of the vitamin C is absorbed straight into the bloodstream, reaching the body’s cells in the most effective way. (Absorption can vary, but other oral vitamin C products can deliver rates as little as 15%).

To buy the most powerful Vitamin C available today please follow the link below
Liposomal Vitamin C 

Please see youtube video below by Rath Foundation :
Prevention of Heart Disease and Cancer

Suggested reading :
Curing the Incurable - Phillip Levy

4) Vitamin D3 Creighton University School of Medicine study indicated that appropriate levels of vitamin D3 (and calcium) reduced the risk of cancer by a staggering 77%!  You can view the study details at the link below

Creighton University - Vit D Cancer Study 
Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis and autism? Vitamin D isn’t really a “true” vitamin, as we don’t need food to attain it. Natural sunlight allows our body to create vitamin D and even destroys excessive amounts.  How does that happen? When the sun’s ultraviolet B (“UVB”) rays hit your skin, they trigger a precholesterol molecule (7-dehydrocholesterol), which is then turned into vitamin D3 (aka “cholecalciferol”). The mechanisms by which vitamin D reduces the risk of cancer are fairly well understood. They include enhancing calcium absorption, inducing cell differentiation, increasing apoptosis (programmed cell death), reducing metastasis and proliferation, and reducing angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels). Researchers in Belgium appear to be the first to show that vitamin D also lowers C-reactive protein (CRP), a measure of inflammation in the body, in critically ill patients. CRP is elevated when there is inflammation in the body, and chronic inflammation is a risk factor for a number of conditions including coronary heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. 

Research studies have shown a direct connection between vitamin D deficiency and heart disease. The authors of a 2006 article in the American Journal of Public Health state, after a review of more than 60 studies on vitamin D and Cancer, that cancer occurrence and death could be reduced with improved levels of vitamin D in the body. The incidence of breast cancer could be reduced by 50% and colon cancer by 80%! And a June 2007 A 2009 study by a group of Leeds University researchers actually found that higher levels of vitamin D were linked to improved skin cancer survival odds, while other studies have found that vitamin D has a connection to a strong immune response in the body.

I had my own Vit D levels tested and you can see my results at the link below
Vit D Test Results 

Dr Lucinda Messer - Please click link below to watch Video
Role of Vitamin D3 in beating cancer 
Dr James Dowd
Vitamin D3 and Cancer 
Vitamin D3 Supplier - link below
Doctors Best Vit D3 5000IU - Amazon 

5) Probiotic - The only one in the world that actually works.
Researchers, including some at Harvard Medical School, are finding evidence of a relationship between such “good” bacteria and the immune system. For instance, it is now known that certain bacteria in the gut influence the development of aspects of the immune system, such as correcting deficiencies and increasing the numbers of certain T cells . T-cells hunt down and destroy cells that are infected with germs or that have become cancerous. Helper T-cells orchestrate an immune response and play important roles in all areas of immunity.

I can almost guarantee those probiotics purchased in shops and health stores do not work. Symprove is the only independently tested (by University College London) probiotic that's proven to work. Please follow the link below

Symprove Probiotic

6) Water - Making your tap water strong and healthy 
You probably already know that most tap water generally contains all sorts of stuff you would rather not drink. Chemicals like lead, mercury and asbestos plus contaminants like fertiliser, growth hormones and antibiotics. Our tap water can contain 72+ chemicals. The most damaging is Chlorine which has been shown to cause 20% of all bladder, gut and anal cancers, where I live we have one of the highest levels of chlorinated water in the UK. 

For two years now I have used what I regard as the best water filter available which removes 99.9% of the contaminants found in your tap water. It costs around £150 is easy to use and makes 4 litres of pure water on auto pilot.

Please see the suppliers article and video via the link below.
 Water Filter  

6a) Ionic Trace Minerals
It's then important to add back in the good guys to your water so I add back in 'ionic trace minerals' . There are 92 known elements, 22 hypothesised others, and hundreds of isotopic variations. Scientists are only now beginning to discover the effects on our immune systems, such as how minerals help maintain a healthy balance, and what adverse effects are created by a mineral imbalance. Experts estimate that 90 percent of the population suffer from mineral imbalance and deficiency.

Trace Mineral Drops are essential for body mineral balance because we're not getting the minerals we need from the foods we eat. This is due to rampant soil depletion, pollution, diets full of refined and processed foods, etc.

This video explains the need for taking a trace mineral supplement. 

Trace Minerals Video

The absorption of minerals primarily takes place within the small intestines. As food matter passes through the intestines, minerals transfer into the blood stream through the walls of the intestines by way of the villi. This can only happen if the minerals are in an ionic form.

For over 35 years, Trace Minerals Research has been dedicated to combating the growing problem of mineral deficiency and imbalance by harvesting the health-promoting ionic minerals

Concentrace - trace Mineral Drops

6b) Creating Structured / Living Water
The great Austrian science pioneer discovered that our cells communicate and energise with water, however the water has to be 'living water' created by vortex movement in order to have sufficient energy ( much like water running in a stream). Water from the tap especially chlorinated water is what they call 'dead water' . Steps 5 ad 5a above will ensure your water has all the damaging chemicals removed and the necessary minerals added in . The living vortex jug will ensure your water is fully energised as nature intended.

I use the living vortex jug which costs £75  ( link below)

Living Vortex Jug

Suggested Reading / Watching:

Living Water

Extraordinary Nature Water - Victor Schauberger

7) Magnesium - The body's master mineral 
Magnesium is essential for vibrant health and cannot be manufactured by the body leaving us responsible for providing enough. Almost all of us need to be doing better with our magnesium intake because it is required by more than 320 chemical reactions including proper muscle and nerve function. Even a mild deficiency of magnesium has noticeable health effects. As a general rule, deficiencies are only amplified as we get older. 

This is a great video on the symptons of magnesium deficiency
Signs and Symptons of Magnesium Deficiency - Dr Osborne 

In 1995, the Gallop Organisation conducted a survey and found that 72% of adults consume less than the Recommended Daily allowance for Magnesium and a 2006 report from the World Health Organisation estimated that 75% of adults consume a diet that is deficient in magnesium.
Studies show taken orally magnesium is absorbed inefficiently and the gut  lessens absorption and reduces magnesium processing, the most efficient way to absorb magnesium is transdermally (via the skin) this creates “tissue saturation”, which allows magnesium to travel to the body’s tissues and cells at a high dose without losses through the gastrointestinal tract. 

I take a bath once a week using magnesium flakes (please see link below) and when I have a massage I have my therapist use the magnesium oil (please see link below) . I order 25KG of bath flakes and 1 lit of oil (this will last you a long time) from the company below who supply the
genuine 'zachstein inside' product with competitive pricing and reliable delivery.

Magnesium Supplier

Suggested reading :
Transdermal Magnesium Therapy - Dr Mark Sircus

You may also find my other health blog of interest
Beating Cancer 

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not a qualified doctor or nutritionist . I am a member of the public that has successfully beaten my own cancer diagnosis . The information above is in no way intended to diagnose illness or provide medical treatment, it is purely information on the protocol I follow. If you also wish to follow the above protocol you do so entirely at your own risk,  please remember to seek and follow your doctors advice and recommendations at all times.